Legal Services
We are dedicated to handling civil cases with respect and understanding. If you have a problem involving family law, government benefits, housing, immigration, education law, senior law, or another civil legal need, we may be able to help.
If you need help with a protection order, divorce, custody matter, or Indian Child Welfare Act case, we may be able to help. Our family law work focuses on preserving stability for children and protecting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.
If your landlord is trying to evict you, raise your rent, shut off your utilities, is refusing to give back a security deposit or is not making necessary repairs, SMRLS may be able to help
Are you an older Minnesotan? Do you have a problem with Housing, Financial Exploitation, or are concerned about your Safety? The risk detector can help you decide if legal help is what you need. Click here to learn more.
If you have been denied government benefits, or if you have had your grant reduced or terminated, we may be able to help. Please call if you don't understand the reason for the action or if you believe the action was wrong.
Are you a refugee, asylee, U or T visa holder, or a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holder that needs to apply to adjust status to a lawful permanent resident (LPR)? If so, we may be able to help. We also help permanent residents apply to become US citizens and assist in replacing lost, stolen, or expiring documents. We can also help immigrant survivors of domestic violence and violent crimes and their qualified family members obtain legal immigration status.
If your child is struggling in school or if you believe your child is not receiving a fair and appropriate early childhood to high school public education, we may be able to help. We handle educational cases in a variety of areas. Click here to learn more about our education services.
SMRLS’ Agricultural Worker Project provides free civil legal aid to eligible agricultural workers in any county in Minnesota or North Dakota. Learn more about this project.
SMRLS represents people 60 years or older with a focus on those in greatest social and economic need. Although we do not apply a means test for Seniors representation, we direct our representation to those most in need. If you are a senior and have a problem with Social Security's SSI program, Medical Assistance, or have a nursing home or other matter, we may be able to help.
If you need help with in the following areas: Debt and Creditor Issues; Bankruptcy; Credit Reporting; Garnishment; Foreclosures/Contracts for Deed Cancellation; Manufactured Home Title issues; Tax Forfeiture; Student Loans (disability discharge); Vehicle issues (predatory lending, towing), we may be able to help. Do you think you've been the victim of fraud? Report this to the FTC.
SMRLS may also be able to help with additional issues including: Employment Issues, Guardianship and Conservatorship, Real Property Issues (purchase and sale of real property, foreclosure, condemnation, construction contracts and liens) and Taxes - individual, state and federal taxes. Resources on these issues can also be found on the Legal Resources page.