Helpful Links
Agricultural Worker Project (AWP)
Government Benefits
ApplyMN is Minnesota's secure, online system you can use to apply for health care, cash assistance, SNAP (food support), emergency help, and child care assistance programs.
GovBenefits.org is a free, confidential tool that helps you find government benefits you may be eligible to receive.
LinkVet provides information on veteran's benefits, healthcare, education and reintegration.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services helps people with disabilities who need services to prepare for work or to find and keep a job.
Minnesota Health Care Programs:
Cold Weather Rule Answers and information from MN Public Utilities Commission.
Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) provides information on Food Stamps and other food assistance programs.
Criminal Expungement
Social Security/SSI
Social Security Administration
Supplemental Security Income: The Basics
Understanding SSI - SSI Application Process and Applicants' Rights
Planning Ahead includes information about legal planning tools, durable power of attorney, trusts, guardianship and conservatorships, health care directives, medical assistance, funeral planning, and wills.
Seniors Information from the MN Department of Human Services
Senior Linkage Line is a free state wide telephone information and assistance service which makes it easy for older adults and their families to locate community services. 1-800-333-2433
Nursing Home