The Legal Risk Detector is an online tool for helping Seniors and their Care Partners identify when a problem might have a legal solution. It is a simple 15-minute questionnaire that identifies risks and points you in the right direction for getting help.  The tool is free and confidential.  Get started below or send an email to for more information or to become an LRD Community Partner.

Your Life, Your Rights!

  • Hearth and Home

    You have the right to choose where you live and how you live. When problems arise that affect your ability to stay in your home, there may be a legal solution. The Risk Detector can help you decide what kind of help will best meet your needs.

  • Wellbeing

    Do you feel safe? Are your basic needs being met? Are you treated with dignity and respect? If you can answer no to any of these questions you may benefit from talking to a Lawyer. The Risk Detector can help you know when a problem has a legal solution.

  • Peace of Mind

    Financial security is important at any age, but Seniors are at the greatest risk for financial exploitation. It can be hard to know what to do if you think someone is taking advantage of you. The Risk Detector can help you take charge of your finances.